Braille Santa and Snowman


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Father Christmas sat at a Grand piano With his back to us, the snowman is standing at the side of the Grand piano with one arm on the piano…


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SKU: Braille CHGrand4


Father Christmas sat at a Grand piano With his back to us, the snowman is
standing at the side of the Grand piano with one arm on the piano.  The snowman
has a bright red nose a black top hat and a blue scarf.  Next to the snowman is a
reindeer stood on his hind legs with his arm round the snowman.


Under this is the caption,


“The piano would probably sound better if Santa took off his mittens!”






Inside the card it is plain white with the verse:


May the music of Christmas
which brings us  joy and happiness, 


Continue to give you and your family a tuneful
and harmonious new year.



 A5 in size    215mm x145mm
