This embossed and cut out card has a white background with a raised silver border. At the top left it has a raised embossed banner in silver with the word, “You in white. To the right of that is the word, “Home which is embossed and the letters are blue, red, green and blue. Below this are cut out images of two houses with puffs of smoke coming from the chimneys. ?through these cut outs you can see the next page. Below this in blue and silver are the words, “A new home… it’s the time for fresh beginnings… Maybe some new furniture: or just simply finding new places for your favourite items and treasures… Just know you’ll soon be settled in and it’ll feel like home in no time at all… Because someone like you… Always takes warmth and happiness wherever they go.” The next pages are paper inserts the first was is a black background in the centre there are two drawings of a house one with an elaborate table with a clock and candlearbra the other has an old set of drawers with a chandelier above. Both these images can be seen from the front page. Also dotted round the card are green, blue, and red hearts it also has on the card in blue the words, “A new home filled with love… and happiness. The next pages have a white background with a black border. At the bottom there is a freeze made up of black line drawings of a antique coat stand a chair with Queen Anne legs and ornate wall clock the table from the previous page and antique mirror a dress mannequin a second antique chair the table and chandelier from the previous page. In the centre of the left hand page in red it has the words, “Fill your lovely new home with pictures and photographs, happy memories, sofas, smiles,lampshades and love… Cake stands and coat stands, clock and candles… Cup of tea and slices of cake… On the right hand side again in red it has the words, “Happily greeting you in your new homeand hoping that good luck and good fortune will share this new address with you. With love. Size: 230mm X 150mm